James Bamford – Shadow Factory
David speaks with journalist James Bamford about his book Shadow Factory. Bamford has spent decades covering and investigating the National Security Agency (aka the NSA) – the largest but least known of America’s intelligence branches. This book, his third about the agency, deals specifically with NSA’s transformation following the September 11th attacks and its troubling, if not illegal, domestic wire-tapping activities.
Original Air Date: 09-28-2010
Part 1 [audio:http://1690wmlb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/MIXDOWN-James_Bamford-Shadow_Factory.mp3]
Part 2 [audio:http://1690wmlb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/MIXDOWN-Pt2-James_Bamford_Shadow_Factory.mp3]