George Cassidy – Come Together

David speaks with author George Cassidy about his new book Come Together: The Business Wisdom of the Beatles. It should come as no surprise that the talents of the Beatles went far beyond their ability to write a great tune or drive teenage girls crazy with their iconic hairdos. In this book George looks beyond the music at how the business successes and failures of the Beatles can serve as a guidebook not only to other musicians but to all entrepreneurs today.

Original Air Date: 05-31-2011


Anne Kreamer – It’s Always Personal

David speaks with author Anne Kreamer about her new book It’s Always Personal: Emotion in the New Workplace. This books examines the role of emotion in a professional setting. Common knowledge tells us that getting emotional at work is wrong. Crying or showing any type of negative emotion makes a worker seem weak and unable to handle the stresses of a professional setting. However, this book debunks all these myths and provides some eye-opening realities like the fact that men cry more in the workplace, saleswomen actually make MORE money when ovulating, and that emotions often lead to better health and productivity.

Original Air Date: 05-26-2011

Part 1[audio:]

Part 2[audio:]

Sally Bethea – Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

David speaks with Sally Bethea, the founding director of Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper. The Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s goal is to restore and maintain the river, its tributaries and its watershed.

Original Air Date: 05-19-2011


Greg Lindsay – Aerotropolis

David speaks with Greg Lindsay about his latest book Aerotropolis. In its most extreme sense, aerotropolis is the concept of building major cities around a major airport. Lindsay describes how major Chinese cities have done this, and how it has brought millions of jobs to the cities that have implemented this successfully.

Original Air Date: 05-12-2011


Carole Markin – Jane Doe v.

David speaks with Carole Markin, aka Jane Doe, about her lawsuit against the popular dating website Markin claims that after meeting a match on the website, she was brutally sexually assaulted. After many months of only revealing herself as “Jane Doe,” Markin revealed her true identity to the world in a desperate plea to tighten the background checks on members of

Original Air Date: 05-10-2011
