Carlin’s book was the basis for the Clint Eastwood/Morgan Freeman/Matt Damon film “Invictus”. Damon plays the captain of South Africa’s rugby team, Freeman plays Nelson Mandela and Eastwood directs the film. The book deals with the new South Africa’s founding political leader, Nelson Mandela, and his singular ability to seduce, beguile, convince, and out-maneuver the political establishment of apartheid South Africa. The book tells the story of South Africa’s evolution to a democratic state – one person, one vote – through the lens of rugby and, most dramatically, the 1995 world cup match between South Africa and New Zealand when the entirety of South Africa – black and white – joined together in support not only of the South African national team but in support of South Africa’s new president, Nelson Mandela.
Original Air Date: 10/29/08
Part 1[audio:]
Part 2[audio:]