Cameron Stauth – In The Name of God

Cameron_Stauth-150x150David is joined by author Cameron Stauth to chat about his new book In The Name Of God. This book exposes the dark world of faith-healing throughout the country and the laws and loopholes that keep this completely legal. While this is indeed a touchy subject, Stauth is careful to point out that this book of religion but instead a book on the legality and the difference between religious freedom and crime.

Original Air Date: 11-22-2013

Part 1


Part 2


Thomas Ricks – The Generals

The_Generals-150x150David chats with journalist Thomas Ricks about his new book The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today. This book examines the role of the General in the armed forces and how they react and adapt during war. While this book speaks of some of the greats like George Marshall, it also shows some of those who have failed at their job like the often lauded General Patton.

Original Air Date: 11-08-2013

Part 1

Part 2

Jeff Greenfield – If Kennedy Lived

Jeff_Greenfield-150x150Frequent guest Jeff Greenfield joins David to talk about his latest book If Kennedy Lived: The First and Second Terms of President John F. Kennedy – An Alternate History. This book looks at how different the world might be had things worked slightly different and JFK had lived and been able to deal with issues like Vietnam and the entirety of the Civil Rights movement.

Original Air Date: 11-06-2013

Part 1


Part 2