Rye Barcott – It Happened on the Way to War
David speaks with Rye Barcott about his new book It Happened on the Way to War. This book serves as Barcott’s very personal memoir into a life that found him balancing his humanitarian work in foreign countries with being a soldier serving in Iraq. Rye Barcott is a former Marine Corps captain and cofounder of Carolina for Kibera, an acclaimed non-governmental organization that uses a unique model of participatory development to break cycles of violence and develop leaders in the Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya.
Original Air Date: 09-1-2011
Part 1 [audio:http://1690wmlb.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/CWDL-Rye_Barcott_It_Happened_On_The_Way_to_War_Part_1.mp3]
Part 2 [audio:http://1690wmlb.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/CWDL-Rye_Barcott_It_Happened_On_The_Way_to_War_Part_2.mp3]