David Crist – The Twilight War
David chats with author David Crist about his new book The Twilight War. This book is a comprehensive examination in the decades long struggle between the United States and Iran. As a historian for the United States government, Crist was given unique access to often classified information outlining the full history of the conflict between Iran and the United States. This book outlines the many times that the two countries were not only on the brink of war, but also peace.
Original Air Date: 09-26-2012
Part 1[audio:http://1690wmlb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/CWDL-David_Crist_The_Twilight_War_Part_1.mp3]
Part 2[audio:http://1690wmlb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/CWDL-David_Crist_The_Twilight_War_Part_2.mp3]