For AM-1690 in Atlanta, David’s assignment is to simply interview anyone he wants about anything.

Bob & Dayna Baer – The Company We Keep

David speaks with CIA husband/wife duo Bob and Dayna Baer about their book The Company We Keep. The book examines the hardships of keeping a family together in a life shrouded in secrecy and how this led to Bob and Dayna’s relationship and ultimate marriage after years working together in the CIA.

Original Air Date: 10-25-2011

Part 1[audio:]

Part 2[audio:]

Joseph Dorman – Sholem Aleichem

David speaks with documentary filmmaker Joseph Dorman about his newest work on Sholem Aleichem, “Laughing in the Darkness.” Born Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich, Sholem Aleichem was a leading Yiddish playwright whose work Teyve the Milkman was the basis for the eventual musical Fiddler on the Roof. The documentary opens with Dorman in attendance on Friday, October 14 at Lefont Sandy Springs.

Original Air Date: 10-13-2011


Diana Henriques – Wizard of Lies

David speaks with Diana Henriques, a senior financial writer for the New York Times and author of the new book Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust. Less than two years after the downfall of Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme, Henriques was the first reporter Madoff agreed to meet with personally. This book serves as the most accurate account in writing of what happened and more importantly what went wrong.

Original Air Date: 10-06-2011

Part 1[audio:]

Part 2[audio:]

Howard Hart – The Future of Iraq

Frequent CWDL guest Howard Hart joins David by telephone to talk about the future of Iraq at the end of the year once U.S. troops make their departure from the country. No stranger to Middle Eastern policy, former CIA spy Howard Hart unfolds his contention that the U.S. has backed itself into a damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don’t situation with the only possible outcome being an Iraqi civil war between the Shias and Sunnis.

Original Air Date: 10-04-2011


Sara Totonchi – Troy Davis Execution

David speaks with Sara Totonchi, Executive Director for the Southern Center for Human Rights, about last week’s controversial execution of Troy Davis. The Southern Center for Human Rights provides legal representation to people facing the death penalty, challenges human rights violations in prisons and jails, seeks through litigation and advocacy to improve legal representation for poor people accused of crimes, and advocates for criminal justice system reforms on behalf of those affected by the system in the Southern United States. As such, Totonchi and the Southern Center for Human Rights were very involved in the Troy Davis case.

Original Air Date: 09-27-2011

Part 1[audio:]

Part 2[audio:]

Robin Wright – Rock the Casbah

David talks to reporter Robin Wright about her latest book Rock the Casbah: Rage and Rebellion Across the Islamic World. The book takes a look at how hip-hop, stand up comedy and a new perspective on religion has led to this year’s uprisings in the Arab world.

Original Air Date: 09-23-2011

Part 1[audio:]

Part 2[audio:]

Joseph McCartin – Collision Course

David speaks with author and Associate Professor of History at Georgetown University Joseph McCartin about his new book Collision Course. This book takes a look at the 1981 PATCO strike where 12,000 air traffic controllers lost their jobs after then President Reagan determined that their strike was illegal. This book also looks beyond this strike and how it has affected labor relations in the past 30 years.

Original Air Date: 09-15-2011


Lisa Baron – The Life of the Party

David speaks with former Ralph Reed spokesperson Lisa Baron about her tell-all book Life of the Party: A Political Press Tart Bares All. Former Ralph Reed spokesperson Lisa Baron joins David to talk about her book Life of the Party: A Political Press Tart Bares All. This books reveals how she and an entire army of fresh-faced college graduates entering the world of politics acted away from the offices of the politicians they worked for as new breed of Washington insiders. As a Republican political spokesperson, the pro-choice, pro-gay Baron learned to become the face and voice behind a score of Conservative politicians while being anything but off the clock.

Original Air Date: 09-13-2011


Rod Nordland – Libya

New York Times foreign correspondent Rod Nordland calls in from Tripoli to talk about the current goings on in Libya. As a foreign correspondent for the New York Times and formerly for the Daily Beast and Newsweek, Nordland has gained a reputation for going to great lengths to grab the story as no one else can. Nordland covers the challenges facing rebels in Libya and what may be ahead of them in a hopeful post-Gaddafi Libya.

Original Air Date: 09-12-2011


Octavia Nasr – Arab Spring Update

David speaks with Octavia Nasr, an expert in Arab affairs and former Middle East correspondent for CNN. In an earlier interview, Nasr described how social media including Twitter and Facebook led to a successful revolution in Tunisia and Egypt. Now that the dust has settled from the first round of revolution and a second round appears to be well under way, David and Octavia discuss not only what’s next, but also who’s next.

Original Air Date: 09-7-2011
