For AM-1690 in Atlanta, David’s assignment is to simply interview anyone he wants about anything.

Nadia Oweidat – Sunni vs. Shia

Oweidat is a scholar of Islam and Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation. She describes what exactly are the differences between Shiite and Sunni forms of Islam and why there is such a schism between these two main branches of this ancient faith.

Harold Franklin – Equal Justice

Harold Franklin is the President of the Atlanta Bar Association and talks to David about his effort to create conversation and action around the concept of Equal Justice in Law Enforcement. From Baltimore to Ferguson there have been multiple incidents that have prompted new conversations about race and the police. Franklin is taking an old and traditional legal organization in a new direction.

Howard Hart

Howard Hart – A Spy’s Life

Hart is the most-decorated spy in the entire history of the CIA. In this latest interview with David he describes the spy’s life and his motivations in choosing the life he led. From India to Nicaragua, from Berlin to Beirut, Afghanistan to Iran, Hart had one of the most-celebrated careers in CIA history

Harold Franklin

Harold Franklin – Equal Justice

Harold Franklin is the President of the Atlanta Bar Association and talks to David about his effort to create conversation and action around the concept of Equal Justice in Law Enforcement. From Baltimore to Ferguson there have been multiple incidents that have prompted new conversations about race and the police. Franklin is taking an old and traditional legal organization in a new direction.

Thomas Ricks

Thomas Ricks – the military expert explains the history of US military leadership
David talks with long-time Washington Post Pentagon correspondent, Thomas Ricks, about his new book, The Generals, which details the history of the US military and its evolving attitudes about the competency of its senior staff. Ricks twice won the Pulitzer Prize and is also the author of A Soldiers Duty and The Gamble, Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq.

Sam Fulwood – Charleston & Dolezal

Sam Fulwood III – Murders in Charleston and the bizarre case of Rachel Dolezal
A conversation with Sam Fulwood III about the racially motivated murders of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, SC and the bizarre case of Rachel Dolezal. Fulwood is a Senior Fellow at The Center for American Progress, where he analyzes the influence of national politics and domestic policies on communities of color. Fulwood is a former reporter and columnist for the likes of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the LA Times and the Cleveland Plain-Dealer.

Peter Bergen – Conference on Extremism

Peter Bergen – The war of words over terrorism
David talks with Peter Bergen, CNN’s Terrorism Analyst and the first person to conduct a TV interview with Osama Bin Laden about the war of words over the term “terrorism.”

Lisa Belcher – Ebola in Liberia


Lisa Belcher – Working in the ebola zone

Belcher works at the CDC as the Branch Chief of Program Evaluation. She was one of hundreds of volunteers who went to West Africa to try and stop the devastating ebola outbreak that killed thousands. She describes the working conditions and the emotions of trying to help people you know will die.

David Carr – The Night of the Gun

David Carr – The Night of the Gun

A rerun of an interview with the recently deceased New York Times media columnist, talking about his autobiography, The Night of the Gun.

Bernie Schein – Famous All Over Town

Bernie Schein – Famous All Over Town

David talks with the legendary Paideia School teacher and now novelist, Bernie Schein, about his epic first novel, Famous All Over Town. The book is a wonderful romp through Schein’s unique ego and beloved hometown, Beaufort, South Carolina.